
Qualified Custodian

Aegis Prime




Privacy Policy


Aegis Custody and its subsidiaries and affiliates (hereafter referred collectively as, “Aegis,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) offer an all encompassing custodial service for the management of our clients’ digital assets. We strive to make sure each and every client enjoys the services we provide with the comfort and reassurance of their own protection and piece of mind. That is why our number one priority is the safety, security and privacy of your personal non-public information and financial information.


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to all relationships Aegis has with existing clients or prospective clients who wish to obtain our services. We take extra precaution with the steps necessary to protect and secure our clients’ information. We will ensure our policies and procedures align with the applicable laws and regulations of the United States, the European Economic Area (EEA) and the United Kingdom (UK), and that those laws and regulations are followed to meet the fiduciary obligations we have in place in regards to the privacy of our clients’ personal and financial information. This Policy has been adopted to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that is consistent with the protection and privacy laws of the European Union (EU), as well as the State and Federal laws and regulations of the United States.


Aegis has established and adopted security measures in order to prevent the unauthorized access of client information and has implemented procedures to maintain electronic and physical safeguard security features to store and protect client information. Our employees are educated and trained in the importance of client confidentiality and privacy to ensure the safeguards surrounding client information are properly working. Employee access to client information is limited to those employees with a business reason in order to prevent any type of unauthorized access.


In order to provide the best custodial services for our clients, Aegis must gather and collect information to: comply with applicable laws and regulations; identify the proper individual or entity (client); administer and protect client records and information; improve our products and services for client’s benefit and our business development; and determine the financial needs of the client.


Aegis shall collect an array of information that we will maintain on behalf of the client. The type of information that will be collected and maintained consists of information received prior to accepting the client or opening an account to indicate the identity of the client as well as information generated and gathered while performing services for the clients’ account in order to increase the quality of services to the client. The information consists of personally identifiable information, financial information and other information necessary to determine the identity of the client(s). Aegis may use different methods in collecting this information.


Aegis may share information we have about the client to service providers, our affiliates, business partners, legal and regulatory resources, and other third party providers or resources. Any third party that we divulge client information to is limited by law and our contractual relationship with the third party to use that information. Aegis requires all third party service providers to provide appropriate security measures to ensure the protection and privacy of clients’ information. Aegis will not share clients’ personal or financial information with third parties for marketing purposes and will not sell client information for any reason.


If a clients’ personal or financial information needs or will need to be updated, the client must follow procedures provided to them when their account with Aegis was created in order to change the specified information. Aegis has the right to make changes and updates to this Policy at any time.


This Policy remains enforced if and when a client ends their relationship with Aegis in order to preserve and protect their information. After a client is no longer a current client, the information held will be stored for a regulated amount of time and thereafter Aegis will notify the former client about the proper destruction of the information.

Last edited: 30 Apr 2022